Excitement for my first night in the new place is mounting.
A few interesting facts I’ve discovered about Bo-Kaap:
- some people think it is dangerous. Others (mostly foreign photographers) think it is quaint. I'm just glad it's close to work.
- According to someone at work, there are several anties in Bo-Kaap who are known for their amazing cookies and koeksisters (a traditionally Afrikaans treat resembling a doughnut. These are different from white Afrikaans people's koeksisters, though, because they aren't crispy and in the shape of plaits. These ones are unique to the Cape because they are fat, spungy things. Has the consistensy of a doughnut, the syrup and shape of a koeksister, but coated in sugar and coconut). It's apparently a tradition in the Muslim (and surrounding) communities there to go and fetch hot koeksisters for breakfast from the antie every Sunday morning. I can't freakin wait. Yum!
- According to one of my cousins, we have very distant family that is buried in one of the mosques in Bo-Kaap. I have yet to find the mosque and because of our country’s not-so-race-friendly history, we’ve long ago lost contact with that side of the family, but I do think it would be incredibly cool if I could find the grave/mosque.
- Apparently Kaapse Klopse (a Cape cultural dancing event) does not just happen around New Year's. In Bo-Kaap, they are practicing all the time and soon after I move in, I should start hearing the bands at all hours of the day.
- I might not sleep well the first few nights. Besides the Klopse, I will have to get used to the chanting/praying from the mosques.
Progress made with other goals:
- entered for my first half marathon. It is to be on Sunday, 25 October. Called the Constantia Valley Grape half marathon. That leaves me with four weeks to train.
- Managed to buy the beautiful little desk that’s currently in the room I’m moving into. Very chuffed about it, because the artist who I’m taking over the room from used it as his drawing desk. Am hoping his creative juices will be transferred to me when I sit down to write. Will post pic when I’ve moved in..
- fiance and I met with the illustrator doing our wedding invites on Friday. We love it! But will save the invites as a surprise... Check out her site here - Whimsy
Less than a week to go before I move in. Better start packing...