Sunday, October 10, 2010

First week in the house

Two things happened this week. I started feeling very insecure about myself, thinking I am really boring person and actually unpopular.Couldn't for the life of me figure out why all my friends are still friends with me.
The other thing that happened was that I was suddenly overcome with guilt because my house mates don't know I'm writing about them. Technically I haven't said a lot about them yet, but I had kind of planned to and now I don't want to.
The first problem solved itself automatically – I realized it had all been PMS and hormones and got over it. The second problem I am still grappling with. Don't quite know what to do but have resolved to start off by confessing to them and am feeling a bit stressed about that. Will let you all know how it goes down.

Progress report:

  1. Planning the Wedding: I finalized my bouquet and the lighting at the venue! The lighting people are same ppl doing the bouquet and I had to send along the quotes they offered to fiancé without him finding out anything about bouquet, so every time I hit forward I first had to delete pictures and descriptions of the flowers. I don't know if this part of the wedding should also be secret along with the dress, but I've decided to keep my whole look secret and it's fun. Yay.
  2. Making Friends: yes! Well, kind of. I made an unexpected one this week – at work! But think I may have scared her off already. I met her in the extremely long trek between the free parking space and the office block and was so eager about the friend making bit that I emailed her immediately once I got to my desk (our company has internal database with everyone's names and contact details on). We promptly made a Friday lunch date, which I had to break before Friday even came. Then, because I believe rule number one about making friends (and keeping them) is to stick to appointments, I made big fuss of meeting on Thursday. But then on Thursday our schedules clashed and it's all a little complicated, but I ended up looking very much like stalker. Showed up at her office (one floor below mine) looking v anxious about not finding her at designated spot and, upon finding that she had already left for lunch, attempted to get her cell phone number from lady at front desk. This is nothing strange, but front desk lady gave me strange look (why?) and instructed assistant to call on my behalf, all the while still giving me the look. Assistant gave me an apologetic smile (or was it a pitiful smile..?) and once she'd gotten new friend on the line, handed the phone to me. I gave front desk lady a nasty look as soon as new friend acknowledged that yes, she knows me and yes, we had a lunch date. But then I stormed off to go meet new friend at the company cafeteria before she had a chance to tell me that there was actually only ten minutes remaining of her lunch hour. So when I finally got to her I watched her eat about three chips, learned that she had some car trouble this week, joined her in the walk to the elevators and then said goodbye, feeling like royal idiot. Have resolved to in future refrain from appearing like person who is starved for company when in fact I have several work colleagues and friends who would love to have lunch with me and does not appreciate being stood up for the sake of a blog.
  3. Running a Marathon: Can't believe this, but have actually committed another idiotic act this week. See section on 'Learning Something'. Can at least say that I ran a total of fifteen kilometres and swam 30 laps in gym on Monday.
  4. Learning Something: Do not, I repeat, do NOT, forget socks on day you plan on running ten kilometres with colleague. Esp if you are too proud to say your feet are hurting and then proceed to run the whole ten kilometres anyway. This same pride will be the cause of much pain later in week (in fact whole week) when the four blisters burning like hot coals of fire on the back of your feet are not enough to get you to say no when another friend suggests a five kilometre run two days later.
  5. Writing this Blog: couldn't even do that right this week. This entry is almost 400 words longer than what I promised each entry would be. I apologise. Must still be the PMS that is making me so wordy.
PS: just remembered that I did do one thing right this week. Followed colleague's advice about a birthday cake for fiancé and went to Charly's Bakery in Roeland street where I bought most awesome chocolate cake ever. It is covered in real, melted chocolate and is solid, heavy and moist right through even though it is only one layer. Think will be looking into Charly's as wedding cake provider...

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